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Roast Lamb & Vegetable Pie, Topped with Delicious Puff Pastry

Roast Lamb & Vegetable Pie, Topped with Delicious Puff Pastry

(Resurrection Pie)

Total cost 99p for the Puff Pastry serving 3 Lamb Pies,

I know i keep going on about food waste, But i do believe it's important, especially in a throw away society, So in an effort for absolutely no food waste, I want to show how you can make delicious meals that will last in the fridge for upto 3 days,

After serving a Roast Lamb Dinner we had some left-over Lamb and Vegetables, Simply

Cover with Puff Pastry and enjoy,


Chop the Lamb into small chunks, add it to the Vegetables, mix it together, place in the microwave with a lid on until piping hot, usually around 5 minutes,

Add your Pie filling to your dish, Poor over your left-over Gravy all the way to the top,

Add you Puff Pastry, Coat them in egg, Sprinkle on some Sea Salt Cracked Black Pepper,

Place them in the oven at 200ºC for around 30 minutes or until the Pasty is Golden Brown

Serve with Mashed Potato or Roast Potato's

Happy Cooking Folk's

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